Doveland Sixth-Form College

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About us

We develop independent learners by guiding them to learn how to think critically, analyze astutely and present effectively to prepare them for success in a competitive environment. We will tailor our teaching through one-on-one tutor groups as well as supervised self-study programmes.
With our many years of experience in successfully producing sound and skilled learners, our reputation counts and will remain a spur to greater achievements. Our approach is to create the right environment for this to happen and encourage mutual trust and respect between students and teachers. We will work together to bring out the best in our students and help them achieve set goals.

core values


Class rooms

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Our Vision

We seek to expand the capacity of the mind to think, understand and see the world anew through diverse opportunities to be global solution providers.

Our Mission

To empower the mind to critically evaluate challenges; see possibilities and efficiently apply the opportunities using technology, resources and skills in bringing new innovations and solutions that meets the need for a better society, job creation and personal fulfillment.


We are located in a serene environment that is very welcoming and suitable for learning. Our staff -student ratio is structured in such a way that the students have undivided attention and access to their lecturers at all times.

interested in joining us ?

Apply for Admissions

Interested in quality education for your child? Doveland Sixth Form College is the right decision!

Journey to Excellence

This is our strategic and intentional drive towards exceptional performance in helping students actualize their educational pursuit. It will serve as platform that will help us maximize results in key performance areas that are directly related to producing a successful, growing, and sustainable educational programme as well as enrichment contents for students. Our journey to excellence will be focused on:

Providing a workable framework for planning seamless educational contents

Motivate and reward success across different pathways.

Measure performance versus process.

Achieve the mission of reaching out to more potential parents with improved service at all times.